Above you can find three graphics in two different colours, which should show the parts of Los Gochos’ (in blue) or the Contrasters Crews’ (in orange) Maps. They are already cut out of the big maps, ordered and connected by content.
When we compare our conceptual map to the one of the team “Los Gochos” it might seem completely different at first sight. And indeed apart from the topic INCLUSIVE EDUCATION neither the design nor the categories are in common.
But if we have a second look from a more detailed perspective we can definitely find more than differences but some similarities and even same thoughts and structures behind our maps. First of all I want to explain how the map of every team is organized and later I´ll go into detail concerning the structure of each by comparing their theoretical part. Los Gochos created 4 quarters and divided them again in more branches without further distinction. We – Contrasters Crew – have devided the main topic in smaller groups and named 3-6 aspects per branch, in total there’s 6 categories and 6 subcategories.
At the top left corner of the Gochos’ map there is a quarter dealing with cooperative learning which is comparable to our part of Cooperation. Next I want to name “our” Individuality and “their” Classroom environment, which by looking at the titles can’t mean the same content. But in the end we can points like teamwork, respect, diversity, integration, equality which coincide with our list of Attitudes (tolerance, respect, equality). Also the category cooperative learning of los Gochos includes factors that correspond with our point of capacity. What I really like is that los Gochos made the relation between classroom environment ant cooperative learning visible by an arrow which underlines my previous description and explanation.
Looking at the design of each map there are not only people, a world, connected quaters, books or marker standing for the learning environment and teaching process but we also see. a computer in each of them representing the twenty first century education and ICTs.
Of course each team put a different focus on certain aspects, which is good in that way I feel like we have learnt and expanded our knowledge and views on both sides. Talking about ones’ findings not only supports your understanding but makes think and look at topics or issues in every they life in more than one way. This work and even more my reflection helped me realizing the relevance of stepping out of ones’ subjective point of view and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. What definitely enrichens the way of thinking and supports to broaden your horizon is the interaction with others when it comes to finding solutions in everyday live or discussing theoretical content, political or religious topics. The constant and continuous exchange of opinions develops the ability to accept, change or adapt to an others point of you and so do they.
Our conceptual map of inclusive education is focused on tolerance, respect, acceptance and equality.
It also describes that evey person is different because of the experiences in life they had, so it shows that nobody should be left apart because nobody knows about the situation of that person, who can be different in the social, physical and religional aspects with different capacities from other people.
We think that cooperation, teamwork and good relationship in the group is the most important thing along giving ideas, supporting each other and having communication with parents, teachers and the school in general.
We believe that a good use of ICT’s in school is a key factor when we talk about a reform in the curriculum that should be adapted for the necessities of every pupil.
“Los gochos” use the expression “We are all different and unique” to describe inclusive education, also focus on the environment where the learning process is developed.
Their conceptual map also has interesting ideas about cooperation, innovation in terms of the curriculum and the educational communities where the students, teachers, parents and school role are highlighted.
Primero: el mapa de arriba se corresponde con el de nuestro grupo, y el de abajo es el de Los Gochos.
Empezamos con el de Los Gochos. Al principio se entiende bien qué es la “Inclusive education” o Educación inclusiva, y lo dividen en 4 ramas: Aprendizaje cooperativo, Innovación, el Entorno de clase y las Comunidades educativas.
Nuestro mapa también divide la Educación inclusiva en 4, pero se le añade una rama más sobre el siglo 21, que creímos que era importante añadirlo debido a que ahora mismo el presente es muy importante por todos los avances tecnológicos que se han llevado a cabo, aparte de que los niños actuales nacen en este mundo de tecnologías.
A primera vista, los mapas pueden parecer bastante diferentes entre sí, pero analizándolos más de cerca se puede apreciar como son bastante similares, sobre todo porque hablan del mismo tema. Los Gochos se centran más en el aprendizaje cooperativo, mientras que nuestro grupo esa rama la hemos divido en dos: relaciones y trabajo en equipo. La relación es importante porque es necesario tener siempre apoyo tanto de la familia, amigos y profesores. El trabajo en equipo también es importante porque ayuda a que los alumnos comprendan lo que significa ayudar y respetar las opiniones de otros.
Ellos hablan de innovación y nosotros de siglo 21, lo cual es muy parecido. También se refleja en ambos mapas la importancia de adaptar y actualizar el curriculum. También se destaca en ambos mapas la importancia del profesor.
Cuando en su mapa hablan de las comunidades de aprendizaje, hablan de lo importantes que son los roles interiores y exteriores, por lo que han decidido hacer un espacio bastante grande solo para eso.
Finalmente, quiero resaltar que en nuestro mapa también hemos dado importancia al individualismo usando nuestro propio logo, el cual explicamos su significado en la primera exposición.