Education League:
To my opinion this presentation was one of the best. From the beginning on I was flashed by the overall impression - not only the video. I really enjoyed the presentation and was able to follow every part of the content. It was entertaining, and understandable.
The distribution of work, which they showed at the beginning gave us not only an insight into the members' responsibilities, personal commitment, contribution of time and effort. It seems as if there was a balanced dynamic within the group without someone doing more or less than the others. The group climate seemed positive while presenting and is also reflected in their work. The musical background fit perfectly to the pictures and voice. Unfortunately there were no subtitle, but it was still easy to understand and in the end you added it anyways when you uploaded it to the blog.
The concept behind their video seems well structured, and I liked the idea of putting the content into the context by creating a school day and answering questions as if it would be a class lesson. In this manner there was a personal interaction between the characters. Furthermore every member had a certain role, which they created so in this way they gave the video a special atmosphere because we as the viewer also had to change our view and needed to follow the plot. It was pretty much like a mini movie. Also the design - meaning the painted background - was extremely creative and I want give high credits to José who was as far I know in charge of this creation. It must have taken a lot of time, effort and imagination creating something like this and of course a talented hand behind it.
But after describing my personal experience while watching the video I want to go into further detail concerning the theoretical aspects. They presented a very detailed school model
I want to point out that their outcome which they presented perfectly counts even more if you take into consideration that they have been the first group and in that way had less time to prepare than other teams (mine included). I want to show my highest respect of the Education League's presentation and want to thank you for showing me that it is possible to make a really good work if every member contributes the same amount of time and prepares it in an efficient way.
CONGRATS Irene, Jorge, José, Leyre and Nuria!! - I couldn't put it in other words.
Sofa Sessions
What I like about the video is the idea of putting the content into the real social context meaning filming everything in-/outside and around the building. The idea of the name of their school is pretty individual because Apollo is the god of music and poetry which says a lot when it comes to focus of a school.
I want to make clear that the leaflet is something special and a real plus because it supports the basic understanding of the Sofa Sessions' ideal school by focusing on the main facts and the principles of their concept. They even printed it to have a guide in relation to the video. In that way they underline their main aspects like facilities and spaces, some data about their foundation as well as information about their philosophy and programs. Their contact data is helpful for us when sending the Co-evaluation as there are no open questions like contact, e-mail and so on. Another positive detail I want to mention is that they named a quotation of John Dewey a pedagogical scientist who has still significant relevance and influence in the area of educational studies until today. Although the leaflet is not asked or expected and not really part of the video it helps in addition and deals as support material which is always favorable.
Concerning the members of this group, I am not sure if everyone worked the same amount, which can be seen in each persons part. It seemed as if they devided the topics and although the context, meaning the school, the general idea were the same maybe the single parts could be better connected or equally separated when it comes to the amount.
But in the end it's a creative way to give everyone a different role like Nacho who has works as the secretary and accounting manager. He gives us facts and figures about the social context, financial situation and explains the schedule. Blanca being the psychologist and tutor presents the implication and collaboration of families in their school and also their welcoming program which is offered for students with a different cultural background. Marta for example is working as a teacher and therefore she explains not only the skills they want to develop in every student but also how to manage conflicts and how their modela of living together works. Also Isabel acts as a teacher but from a different cycle than Marta and describes from her point of view their learning model, talks about their flexible curriculum and names the values of Apollo School. Angélica being the principal wants us to know about their methodologist taking reference to the constructivist, so- constructivist and behavioristic model. She presents the schools' projects and the integration of ICTs. Her part also includes the offer of their bilingual program which makes her components really dense referring to the amount of content.
The individual parts were clearly divided and in that way there were no repetitions which has worked well thanks to an apparently good organization in the planning process. Unfortunately we couldn't see a model of the school only some rooms and some areas outside like the green area. Also there are no subtitles but that's no problem when it comes to understanding the video as there is the guide available which basically has the function of a script. The video is fairly long but therefor also provides a lot of information which is good.
You deserve my greatest respect for your project Angélica, Blanca, Isa, Marta and Nacho!
First of all you deserve my highest respect for finishing the work in time although only being less than the half of every other group.
I really appreciate that the video was well structured by inserted titles of the following topics, like "context", "material", "learning model", "methodologies", "values" or "leadership & decision making" and "family participation". In that way they made clear that they covered every topic and gave the viewer a guided presentation.
They started by focusing on the sociological context introducing the video with data about violence and bullying and presented how they want to prevent it in their school with the use of apps and in form of talking in daily assemblies. Later they explained some material like "emoti blocks" which I haven't heard of before. They also mentioned the the help of student assistants and their concept of emotion and values, and named the theory of multiple intelligences from Garner in this context. It focuses on the development of talents by individualized improvement plans. They also named the importance of surprise which has a positive effect on the memory capacity of students. The dedication to every child's talent is one of their values.
They even have a motto at their school namely "somos union" which shows the relation between parents and teachers and the communication of all parts. This relevance appears again at the end of their video when they speak about family participation to know about the students process, and to decide about programs or projects together with the teachers via platforms and regular reunions.
They gave specific examples of teaching in natural or social science, arts and presented their bilingual project.
Covering the topic of leadership Ana and Marta talked about democratic decision-making process and the laissez-faire style within the community. They also present which devices they would use at class explaining the incorporation of ICTs at their school.
Unfortunately there are no subtitles but as they showed slides and parts where they explain the conten by writing while speaking we can receive the information sometimes audiovisually.
It is obvious that they put a lot of time and effort into your video with a love for details.
I couldn't see the school building as I couldn't take part in the class this day. But I saw it the week before when they did already bring it with them and it must have been a lot of work, which can also be seen in the time plan that they presented. I am sure it was worth it although I couldn't have a closer look at it.
I want to confess my honest appreciation for your work Ana and Marta! -
Los Gochos had a similar design as Sofa Sessions, although it is still different because they acted in the way of experts and took interviews while being asked questions. Umaima was expert in school methodologies, Celeste was the expert in the field of school communities and for classroom organization, Cristina was expert in bullying and Raquel for all aspects of natural environment.
I liked the short introduction where 3 children name their suggestions or wishes for school and that they called their news program (Atena 4 noticias) similar as the school (Palas Atenea Primary School).
They presented their values by talking about the support of KiVa as other groups as well. I like the integration of support program of an assistant plan, the godfather plan and that they created a palas atenea-day to improve the co-exitence.
Concerning the classroom environment they name the aspects like temperature, lighting and acustic which is new in comparison to other presentations.
This video was also bit long and sometimes I couldn't understand the interviewer very well but this might be solved by inserting subtitles. But still they had some slides with the main phrases while talking so it didn't make any troubles.
Overall I really enjoyed the video and understood the concept of their ideal school very well. Despite the length of the video it was interesting because they did not only change places but also the constellation of the interviewer and varied the order so that every member would speak enough but with breaks in between when another person presents.
The end was really creative by rewriting the lyrics of two popular songs and having changed the dance and cloths. Their perfomance was quite entertaining but also summed up the key words and essential points of their ideal school.
YOU DID A REALLY GOOD JOB, Raquel, Umaima, Miguel, Cristina and Celeste!
The introduction was catchy and made want to know more about this ideal school in Santander. It was a really nice transition by explaining why they chose Cantabria as the place to be for their school. They named financial reasons and quoted data from this region concerning support by the government for the educational sector.
Travelchers pointed out the importance of ICTs but it was a little bit repetitive as nearly every member mentioned the devises. Interestingly enough they have classes of 60 students and 3 teachers and gave good explanations for this kind of model.
The school building of the Travelchers was extremely impressive and I liked how they filmed it from a really near angle as if you would stand inside becase it seemed really realistic.
While explaining the subjects they went from room to room and I liked how they named every aula because it is not common to call one zone "world time", "natural movements", "sensitive area" and "makerspace".
What was really ordinary and a catchy idea were the story they created with various figures. I think by using completely different subjects they wanted to show the diversity of their school and named projects for inclusion as other teams.
I have also got the impression that they made a good decision concerning the music they have chosen. There were a lot of variation but it was very decent and didn't distract but rather keeps the level of motivation high. And even had the impression that they changed the song whenever the changed the zone which they were talking about.
The Video of the travelchers was longer than others but they were six people so that's why they maybe needed more time so that everyone can talk the same.
I noticed that they had subtitles which helped especially in the end to concentrate and focus because 20 minutes listening and paying attention to what they are showing is not always easy if you really want to understand every single model.
Thanks for your video - Javi, Tania, Vinny, Vanesa, Rania and Maria José!